
Japanese Striped Corn
Zea mays 'Japanese Striped'
Duration: Annual
When to Sow: Spring Ease of Germination: Easy
(Japonica striped maize) Stunning multicoloured displays! First brought to America from Japan in 1864, this elegant corn became a fixture in gardens of the time. The green, white and yellow striped variegations are flanked by mauve borders right up the entire plant, which can reach up to 6ft (1.8m) tall. The wine-coloured tassles and the deep burgundy ears add majesty to the overall effect. Yet the corn is edible and can be dried and ground into cornmeal like other flint corns. 85 days
S8211-001 SowNatural(tm) Seeds $5.25/pkt
S8211-001 SowNatural(tm) Bulk Seeds $32.00/100g
Currency: United States Dollar

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