
Scopatizzo o Leccese Melon
Cucumis melo 'Scopatizzo o Leccese'
Duration: Annual
When to Sow: Spring Ease of Germination: Easy
(Carosello) This heirloom from Lecce, in the Apulia region of southern Italy, is more like a cucumber than a melon. The young fruits are picked when they are about 10-15cm (4-6") long and eaten raw like cucumbers in salads, or with pasta. The taste is savory and a little sweet, never bitter, and always refreshing, especially in summer heat. Try them in a salad with tomatoes and pickled onions. Those who find cucumbers a bit hard to digest will love this alternative. What does the "Scopatizzo" part of the name mean? Let’s just say that it is a playful but vulgar term best left untranslated! Fast growing vines can be trained up a trellis or allowed to spread on the ground. Loves heat. 60-80 days.
S8486 Seeds $4.75/pkt
S8486 Bulk Seeds $12.00/10g, $80.00/100g
Currency: United States Dollar

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