| | | Kitten with Allergies? Answered by: Inge Poot Question from: Larry Hall MD Posted on: January 22, 2002
Your bio says you have an interest in animals as well as plants. my 11 year old niece is foster parenting a kitten and it’s nose is constantly congested and running. We live in north California. Is the cat allergic to us? Ha-ha. Or is there something we can do? I recall a documentary about a lady herbal veterinarian called "juliet of the herbs". Do you know the names of any of her books we could look up?
Our neighbour had a cat that had bad hayfever and ran around all summer with the worst runny nose. And worm medicine did not help. (Typically, if pets have worms they get weak and consequently contract everything that goes around.)
Cats and dogs with allergies is very common. My daughter works at a vet office and they treat lots of cats and dogs with every kind of allergy.
The herbal veterinarian you are referring to is Juliette de Bairacli Levy. She wrote several influential books on the use of herbs and natural methods for animal care, and she covers allergies.
Richters carries two books by Juliette de Bairacli Levy: #B1950 "The Complete Herbal Handbook for Farm and Stable" and #B2000 "The Complete Herbal Handbook For The Dog And Cat"
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