Purpose of Zinc and Herbs for Alzheimer’s Disease
Answered by: Susan Eagles
Question from: Benita
Posted on: October 25, 2000

What purpose does zinc serve?

My grandmother was diagnosed with early stage of Alzheimer’s what herbs can she take at this point? She is not walking.

According to Thomas Bartram, in, "Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine" (available at Richters), zinc is " A necessary component in a number of enzyme systems that regulate metabolic activities in animals and plants. Specialization of T-cells and metabolism of essential fatty acids. Linked with production of insulin.

"Helps form enzymes that enable proteins to become "building blocks" for new cells. Its effects include healing of wounds, fertility, and stimulation of the immune system."

Recognized factors in Alzheimer’s disease include acetylcholine deficiency, free radicals, and inflammation of brain tissue. Though there is no known cure for Alzheimer’s, you can use natural methods to help to eliminate these factors, and to generally nourish the brain tissue. Working on these factors may help to slow the progression of the disease.

In the diet, fresh fruit and vegetables provide vitamins and minerals that feed the brain tissue, and anti-oxidants to eliminate free radicals. Foods that contain choline, a building block of acetylcholine include Brazil nuts, lecithin, dandelion flowers, mung beans, lentils and fava beans. Nuts, seeds and fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines, provide essential fatty acid nutrition for the brain.

Ginkgo biloba improves blood flow to the brain when the blood flow is deficient. For more information, please go to our website at http://www.richters.com, choose "Q&A" from the main menu choose, then choose "Medicinal Herbs and Their Uses" and search for the item "Ginkgo and Alzheimer’s disease ".

Rosemary and Sage are traditional herbs used to improve memory. Both herbs are rich in anti-oxidants. Studies show that they contain substances that conserve acetylcholine.

Anti-inflammatory herbs may reduce inflammation of brain tissue in Alzheimer’s: German chamomile, Ginseng, licorice, turmeric, white willow bark.

Avoid aluminum in cookware, foil, deodorants and antacids. There is a suspected relationship between aluminum and Alzheimer’s. Avoid alcohol, refined and processed food, fatty foods and fried foods.

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