Is Ginkgo biloba Less Effective Over Time?
Answered by: Susan Eagles
Question from: David
Posted on: August 19, 2005

I read one of your answers, warning that ginseng can weaken the body’s system if used over a long period. Is Ginkgo biloba also less effective over time because it also has a stimulating effect?

Ginseng and ginkgo "stimulate" in different ways. The "stimulation" of blood circulation with ginkgo is due to reducing the blood stickiness, to allow the blood to flow more freely to the brain and other peripheral parts of the body. Ginseng allows increased mental and physical activity. Increased activity uses more resources of the body. When taking ginkgo, one does not normally expend extra energy.

All herbs should be taken with care, in moderation and only for short lengths of time. Herbs are used medicinally to help bring about a balance in the body to allow the body to heal itself, as it is designed to do. If the proper herbs are used along with a good diet, exercise and a healthy emotional balance, then medicinal herbs may no longer be needed. Taking herbs like ginkgo for long periods of time can create an imbalance.

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